VST Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

VICTORY Shih Tzu <3 <3 <3 <3
From all of us to all of you, 
we wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays <3 :-)

"..og at solen fra sit skjul, ønsker os en glædlig jul..."
"..and that the sun from its hide , wishs us a merry Christmas..."

From a danish christmas song: "Juletræt med sit pynt"
"The Christmas tree with its ornaments."
Lyrics: Mogens Lorentzen, 1939
Melody: Egi Harder, 1940

VST Happy 2nd Advent

VICTORY Shih Tzu <3 <3 <3 <3
We wish you all a Happy 2nd Advent :-)

VST Happy 1st Advent

VICTORY Shih Tzu <3 <3 <3 <3
we wish you all a Happy 1st Advent :-) 

VICTORY Shih Tzu`s Julius <3 <3 <3 <3
Happy birthday to my sweet, adorable and beautiful Julius <3 !!!!
My dear Julius, I LOVE you so MUCH, you are so sweet and caring
and so kind. I am so gratful, that you are mine <3
Happy birthday Sweetie <3

VICTORY Shih Tzu - Good morning

VICTORY Shih Tzu - oh it can b vry hard to get up in 
the morning <3 <3 <3 <3 ;-)
Romeo awake 
Lina-Valentina & Julius still sleeping
Casanova being brushed and combed

VICTORY Shih Tzu´s Lina-Valentina and the swimming pool

VICTORY Shih Tzu´s Lina-Valentina <3 My little Princess <3
Even though Lina-Valentina hates water, she has no problems with
sitting, running and playing close to the swimming pool and all it´s water <3 :-)  

Happy birthday Romeo


Happy birthday to my very own lovely, sweet and 
beautiful ROMEO <3 <3 <3 <3

Today we are my Romeo´s birthday, he is a true soulmate, always
so calm and collected, always so happy, sweet and nice, always so well behaved and with so beautiful and silky soft hair <3
He loves me, his siblings, sun bathing in our garden and he plays every
day all day long. He loves cherry tomatos and snow, when it is white and clean and  rain... no.

I am so thankful for my Romeo, each and every day he is such 
a bundle love and joy <3 <3 <3 <3

Lina-Valentina - Celebrating the anniversary of me picking her up


VICTORY Shih Tzu´s Lina-Valentina <3 <3 <3 <3
We are celebrating the anniversary of me picking my perfect 
little Princss Lina-Valentina up at wonderful breeder in Germany.
It was LOVE at first sight - I LOVE my little girl and my boys with 
all my heart and soul <3 <3 <3 <3
I LOVE her always cheerful happyness and joy, her beauty, her energy
and power, how funny she is, her red hair and black mask and her devotion to me, her brothers and our family. My perfect little girl <3 

Happy Birthday CASANOVA

VICTORY Shih Tzu´s Casanova <3 <3 <3 <3
Happy birthday to my sweet, beautiful, lovely and funny baby boy <3
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy birthday Lina-Valentina

My dear dear little girl <3 <3 <3 <3
Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet, lovely, beautiful and dear
little Princss, my perfect little baby doll girl <3 
- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3 <3 

VST, What to do with long hair while eating....

VICTORY Shih Tzu´s Lina-Valentina <3 
- right after she has eaten her dinner <3 :-)

I get asked a lot:  "What do you do with their long hair, moustache,
beard, ears, topknot hair and chest hair, when they eat ?"

Answer: "My Sweethearts wear a human child bandana (my boys) or
a human child bib (my girl) around their neck as Lina-Valentina does in the
picture above, it keeps the hair in order and away and as soon as they
have finishing eaten, I remove the bandana / bib and their long hair
is clean and tangle-free as always" :-)
Problem solved :-)  

VICTORY Shih Tzu 2019

Hi everybody, we are very much still here ;-)
2019 startd qiut unpleasant with a water pipe broke two 
days before in our bathroom and my Sweethearts play-toy-gooming-room, 4 cm water under the floor and it causd at lot of problems, 
a true case of Murphy´s Law - everything, that could go wrong, 
went wrong.... 
We celebrated a very alternative Christmas and a little more normal
New Year ;-)

Sunday March 3rd 2019 we celebrated 29 years of 
VICTORY Shih Tzu - Shih Tzu de Luxe - Bringers of Fortune 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
and the love, passion, lifestyle, charme and knowlegde of 
the Shih Tzu <3