Pet Fooled

Hi all you dog parents (and cat parents) :-)

If you are feeding - serving dog food to your dog, 

*dry dog food - kibbles,
*canned dog food - wet dog food 
*and raw dog food (BAEF in danish /BARF på dansk)

(the same goes for cat food and treats), 

you need to watch the american documentary about 
the dog food industry "Pet Fooled".
The documentary tells just a little bit about the ugly truth about 
the dog food industry, dog food and dog treats. 

Dog food and dog treats are ssssoooo wrong for dogs
in sssssoooo many ways.
Dog food and treats cause: 

  • Cancer / Kræft
  • Diabetes / sukkersyge
  • Allergies / Allergi
  • Allergy symptoms / allergy lig. symptomer
  • Itchy skin and paws / hud og poter, som kløer
  • Skin problems and diseases / hudproblemer og -sygdomme
  • Hotspot
  • Chronic dehydration / kronisk dehydrering
  • Overweight / overvægt
  • Chrystals and stones in the bladder, lever and kidney /Krystaller og sten i blæren, leveren og nyrerne 
  • Chronic kidney failure / kronisk nyrersvigt
  • Cirrhosis / skrumpelever
  • Wrong urine pH - walue / forkert urin pH - værdi
  • Ear problems and infections / øre problemer og infektioner
  • Lever diseases / leversygdomme 
  • Infections and inflammations / infektioner og inflammationer
  • Unhealty skin, which attracks fleas and tics more than a healty skin does / usund hud, som tiltrækker lopper og flåter mere end sund hud gør
Since July 2016 I have researched dog food, dog treats and the
dog food industry very thoroughly and what I have found is SHOCKING !!!

I must say, I am so GLAD, that I have never served dog food to
my dogs. I homecook the food for my Sweethearts every day,
which means I can pick, choose and know exactly, what they eat.

Whatever food you choose to serve to your dog, make an educated 

Please make time to watch "Pet Fooled", your dog deserves it !